The notorious bandit leader, Bello Turji has issued a series of threats following the arrest of his close associate, Bako Wurgi.
Wurgi is a key lieutenant in Turji’s camp and is instrumental in ransom negotiations and collections of hostages captured.
Security analyst and Counter-insurgency in Lake Chad, Zagazola Makama, said Wurgi’s arrest infuriated Turji.
Makama said Turji has “already contacted influential figures in the Shinkafi area like the village heads/chiefs, threatening to attack their communities to ensure they secure Wurgi’s release from security services.”
The publication said Turji also pledged to “spend any amount of money or livestock necessary to ensure that Wurgi is released.”
He is said to have a significant number of people and livestock under his control, and he has declared his willingness to use them as leverage to force authorities into compliance.
The State Online had reported a few days ago that troops of the 1 Brigade of the Nigerian Army, arrested Wurgi also known as Baka NaGarba.
Wurgi, who is a known arms dealer and notorious bandit leader, is suspected to be responsible for the murder of the Emir of Gobir, Alhaji Isa Mohammad Bawa, in Sokoto State.///